#44: Is the ice thick enough?

“Finally! I have been looking forward to this moment since spring.”
“Yes. Me too. The ice will be thick soon. We will play hockey.”
“Won’t that be wonderful? Let’s try the ice.”
“Let’s try.”
“Here on the edge of the lake it is always thicker. We will make small steps.”
“Don’t go too far from me.”
“Stay behind. If the ice breaks, you will pull me out.”
“I would panic.”
“Don’t worry. The ice is not going to break.”
“Do you hear that cracking? The ice is breaking. Get out!”
“I will just make one more step…oops…Oh. Help. Take my hand. No not like that…the ice…lay down…lay on your stomach…give me your hand…this is cold…Oh, my God!… climb closer… Give me your hand…I got you…pull me out…the ice… it hurts…pull…cold…I don’t feel my leg…. Pull me. Please… No, don’t go away. Where are you going?…Come back… Don’t be afraid… no, don’t call anyone… Pull me out slowly. Very good. I got your hand… Pull me please… I am coming… Oh, that was close. Pull me a little more.. I will follow you…. John, you are the hero of the day. You have saved my life. Thank you.”

Originally posted 2020-05-07 14:41:00.

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