#85: Whose is this shoe? / Cinderella’s shoe

“Are these your trainers?” Claire asks the young man sitting on a bench in the stadium.
“Yes, they are. Where did you find them?”
“They were on the grass near the high-jump area. Do you want to try them on?”
“Thanks for bringing them to me. How did you know they are mine?”
“I saw you jumping. I was sitting around the benches with my team. They are over there.”
Claire points at a group of people in the same coloured track-suits.
“You are really good. You won right?” Claire asks.
“Yes, I was lucky.”
“You don’t get lucky in athletics. Always the best wins,” Claire says and flashes her gold medal from under the tracksuit jumper. ”Do you want to try them on?”
“Try what on?”
“The trainers. I don’t believe they are yours if you don’t try them on.”
He puts on both trainers.
“I feel like Cinderella. As you see the shoes fit.”
“I am the prince and now you have to marry me,” Claire says seriously.
“Why should I marry you?”
“Because I brought you the shoes and I am rescuing you from your evil step-mother and step-sisters. You will never have to high-jump again. No more hard training. At least not today,” she says with a smile on her face.
“You are funny. I might actually marry you. Where is your white horse, prince?”
“Actually, I have a white car. It is parked right outside the stadium.”
“Let’s go then.”
The young man stands up and takes Claire’s hand. They walk out of the stadium hand-in-hand.

Originally posted 2020-06-17 21:04:32.

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