#14: Hitting a deer

John comes home from work. His wife hugs and kisses him, just like every day. But today the hug is a bit stronger and longer.
“Honey, I have done something horrible,” she says and takes his hand.
“What have you done?”
“Come with me I will show you,” she says and, holding his hand, takes him to the garage.
She opens the garage door. He can see the broken front window of the car. There is blood on the body of the car before the window.
“I hit a deer.”
“Oh, that is bad luck. Where did it happen?”
“Between the cities, on the way home. You know, in the woods.”
“Have you reported it to the police? You know you have to call the police, don’t you?”
“Well, that is the thing. I was very afraid and I didn’t.”
Just then they hear some sounds from the closet. It was as if something was trying to get up from the floor but fell back again.
“Oh no!” she says.
“Honey, did you bring the deer home?” he asks and goes to the closet. He opens the door. He can see a man lying on the floor, covered in blood, with duct tape around his mouth, hands and legs.

Originally posted 2020-04-07 20:08:00.

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