#39: Let’s play husband and wife

“Ken, you come here. You will be a good father. Not the one who leaves his daughter when she is only five. You will be a good husband, too. You will not shout at your wife nor beat her… And you come here, Barbara. You will be a good mother and a good wife. You will not drink and shout at your husband… And now, dance. Yes, that’s it. You love each other. You can kiss… You can have babies now. Ah. Ah. Ken, now you go to work. Barbara, you go to work, too. You go to work because you are a feminist or communist or capitalist – whatever the ‘ist’ adults say… And now, go to your places. I can hear my mother coming. She will be angry with me if I am still not sleeping. Ken, switch off the lights, please… Thank you.

Originally posted 2020-05-02 10:12:00.

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