#45: Beautiful deer and fresh mushrooms

“You are mine now,” the hunter says. He can see a beautiful deer with his binocular. It is hunting season. He has the licence to hunt in this forest. He has the license to hunt deer.
“Yes, baby. You are beautiful. Look to the right. Look up. Magnificent! Stay! You are so beautiful.”
He always speaks to the animals as if he was a photographer and the animals were photo-models.
“Stay there. Turn a bit to the left. That’s it baby! Don’t move.”
He pulls the trigger. One tenth of a second before he fires, the deer jumps away. The bullet misses. The deer runs away, clearly unhurt. The hunter looks to the place the deer was standing a second ago. He can’t believe he missed.
But something moves behind the bushes. He looks into his binocular. He can see a woman. ‘What? What is she doing in the forest at this time of the year? Doesn’t she know it is hunting season?’ the hunter thinks. The woman walks out from behind the bushes. She is dragging her left leg and keeps falling on the ground. She walks towards him. She falls after every ten-twenty meters. The hunter looks into the binocular and he has a bad feeling. The woman is hurt. Did he shoot her? It is possible. If she was standing behind the deer when he missed… He doesn’t like what he can see. He doesn’t know what to do. If he really shot the woman and people find out about it, he will go to prison. He looks at the woman again with his binocular. She is very beautiful. She looks like a photo model. He decides to help her and see what happens later. He puts his gun on his back and runs towards the woman. The woman stops walking. She sits on the ground waiting for the hunter. The hunter arrives at the woman and looks at her left leg. It is bleeding. He checks the wound. There is a piece of wood in it. The hunter wipes his forehead. He takes the gun off his back. He asks the woman to climb on his back and hold his shoulders. He walks fast out of the forest and towards his car. He notices a small basket which she is holding in her hand in front of him. The basket is half-full of fresh mushrooms. They smell really good. The hunter shakes his head and smiles. He walks even faster to his car. He is glad he did not shoot the woman. He will not go to prison. Instead, he will be a hero who saved a beautiful woman’s life.

Originally posted 2020-05-08 15:01:00.

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