#52: The sea lion’s almost dinner

Marie is in the zoo. She is there with her grandfather. They are having a good time. Marie is tired. She sits down on the edge of the pool of the sea lions. As soon as she sits down, a sea lion jumps out of the water and bites into Marie’s clothes and drags her into the water. Marie goes under water. Some water from the pool gets into her lungs. Her eyes are wide open with fear. She can see a big animal in front of her. It is going to bite her. Just then, she can see her grandfather in the water. He hits the animal on the head. She can see his face now. He catches her under the water. And they swim up very fast. Marie’s head is out of the water now. Her grandfather pushes her out of the water, onto the wall. A man standing at the pool catches her hand and pulls her out of the way. Nothing can happen to her but her grandfather is still in the water. Then, she can see her grandfather’s hands. He catches the top of the wall of the pool. For a second, she can see the grandfather’s face. Then, he disappears behind the wall. The same man, who caught her, catches the grandfather’s hand. The man pulls the grandfather out of the pool. Now, the grandfather is next to her on the wall of the pool. She is coughing. The water in her lungs makes her cough. The grandfather hugs her and he starts laughing.
“What a day!” he says.

Originally posted 2020-05-15 05:56:00.

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