42: Have you accidentally pressed the mute button?

“Are you sitting on the toilet?” Jane asks her brother when they are talking on the phone. “You are making funny sounds.”
“No, I am not. I am calling you from the bedroom.”
“Anyway, when will you come to visit us? You haven’t visited us for several months.”
“I am very busy now. I am looking for a new job.”
“Tell me more about it,” Jane says and the line goes quiet. “Hullo! Hullo, John, can you hear me? Are you there?” she asks and looks at the display.
The call hasn’t stopped. But she cannot hear John.
“John, I cannot hear you. Have you pressed the mute button?”
Still no answer. She puts down the phone. In half an hour Jane reads a post from John on social media: ‘Help me! How can I dry my phone?’

Originally posted 2020-05-05 19:50:00.

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